Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Take a break

People who complain they have no time for exercise ought to do the math: there are 1,440 minutes in a day... surely setting aside 30 (two per cent) of them for exercise ought to be possible even for the busiest amongst us.

Lack of preparation, and not lack of time, is the biggest barrier to exercise for busy people.

All the impromptu tea breaks and snacks at work add up to ahefty chunk of time. Why don't we use some of that time for exercise? Because heels and leather shoes are not exercise friendly, doofus, you might say.

Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office, and you'll be ready for a short walk or some aerobics wherever you are. Take fitness breaks — walking or doing desk exercises — instead of taking tea or cigarette breaks.

Keep moving

The time before or after work or meals is often available for short spells of exercise. Walk to work if your office is only a couple of miles away.

If it is farther away, get off the bus a mile away from the office and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and do your chores and errands on foot.

Do gardening at home; play with the pets, and your children.

At first, even 30 minutes seems like a really big chunk of time. But not if you begin by doing activities you really enjoy. If you like movies, walk to the theatre. Walk to the restaurant for an evening meal. If you enjoy music, dance to stuff that gets your heart thumping.

As it gets easier to spare a few minutes every day, gradually increase either the length of time doing the activity or increase the intensity of the activity, or both.

Vary your activities, to maintain interest and to broaden the range of benefits. Doing different exercises instead of sticking to one ensures all major muscle groups get a workout.


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